2 min readMay 6, 2021


What is the CRT equity proof algorithm?

Hello! I’m Creature Hunters Lab!

Today, we are going to learn about CRT token’s equity proof algorithm!

CRT will use the Ethereum blockchain that you all know!

Ethereum selected the algorithm as Proof of Work -> Proof of Equity

As a result, CRT also uses the proof-of-share proof algorithm!

CRT’s equity proof system operates on several key points.

1. We don’t use much energy for mining like Bitcoin.

That is, we are maximizing energy utilization even more through proof of equity!

2. It’s easy to create blocks. It’s easy to convert points collected in the game and block them.

There is no competition because the method of verification is random selection.

3. Nodes on the network can be rapidly expanded.

4. Shard chain with Ethereum 2.0 enhanced staking system and Ethereum network

You can expand and use it!

So today, we briefly learned about CRT algorithms!

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I’m going to introduce my mole, so please pay a lot of attention!

See you at the next post!!




We are Creature Hunters Lab, making innovative blockchain in gaming industry.